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Medical Yoga

A new cooperation between Physiotherapy and Iyengar Yoga with Claudia (Claudiyengar) becomes medical yoga.

Patricia Lang, physiotherapist, alternative practitioner and owner of PAC - Physiotherapie am Candidplatz in Munich for 14 years, has clear words for the problem in her industry: patients are becoming more and more numerous, demand has increased exorbitantly and at the same time there is a shortage of therapists. In search of a balancing, sporting activity for herself, she tried out a lot and finally ended up with Iyengar yoga through a friend. Enthusiastic and convinced by the posture corrections in Iyengar Yoga and after a yoga class with me, we are now starting a cooperation on “Medical Yoga” in September. A dialog about health prevention and personal responsibility.

Medical Yoga wird mit vielen Hilfsmitteln ausgefuehrt

Claudia Lamas Cornejo (clc): What prompted you to launch this new offer now?

Patricia Land (pl): There is a huge shortage of therapists in physiotherapy. At the same time, the number of patients is increasing - the keyword is ageing. It will get much worse in the coming years. I would therefore like to offer an “alternative”.

clc: Iyengar yoga is not a therapy in itself. It is true that correct body alignment in the postures forms the basis for this type of yoga. In order to make this possible for people with different conditions, we use numerous aids such as straps, blocks, chairs, walls and wall ropes...

pl: ... It is precisely this correct alignment of posture that is extremely helpful for many diagnoses, especially if you don't get a physio or doctor's appointment for another three months. In my opinion, Iyengar yoga is excellent for counteracting our typical Western orthopaedic problems. Too much sitting, too little exercise, excess weight and stress result in neck tension, back pain, shoulder problems, mouse or golf elbow (epicondylitis), arthrosis, etc. These do not necessarily have to be treated by a doctor. These do not necessarily have to be taken to a therapist or doctor straight away, but can often be significantly improved and even managed with medical yoga.

I want to help people regain a sense of body awareness and take responsibility for themselves without painkillers and injections. Patricia Lang

Iyengar Yoga bringt den Kreislauf in Schwung

clc: I often find that people who come to one of my Iyengar yoga classes for the first time are surprised at how much physical work is involved. Was it the same for you?

pl: Yes, at first I found it really exhausting and everyone who hasn't done enough for themselves for years has to work hard at first. But it's absolutely worth the effort! Regaining control over your own body is priceless. It makes you independent of appointments with physios/doctors and it's incredibly relaxing.

clc: What do you specifically hope to achieve for your patients?

pl: I want to help people to help themselves and see myself as a link between the status of “ill” or “very unfit” and “healthy enough” to get moving. Unfortunately, there are no recipes or concepts for this in our healthcare system. So I thought I would become this “bridge builder” myself. Through my many years of experience as a physiotherapist and alternative practitioner, I have seen time and again that former patients have started exercise or sport only to come back with new injuries because it was too early, too much and the wrong thing for them. With this special, medically based yoga, I have only seen one injury in the 6 years that I have been practicing. I think that's a very good cut.

Die Wand ist dein wichtigster Lehrer, sagte BKS Iyengar, nach ihm ist der therapeutische Iyengar Yoga benannt

clc: How did you come across Iyengar yoga?

I was looking for a sport for myself and tried a few things. My physio heart wept at many courses and various yoga studios because there was simply no correction. People were allowed to train in the wrong postures and their problems were made worse or only really erupted as a result. Yoga therefore had a very negative connotation for me until a colleague dragged me along to Iyengar yoga in protest. There I started practicing with a very strict teacher and was thrilled. Iyengar yoga involves a lot of correction and the training to become an Iyengar yoga teacher involves anatomy classes as well.

Iyengar Yoga has satisfied my physio heart: they know what they are doing and every body type can practise there with aids and contribute to their own health. I used to recommend it and send my patients there, but now we offer it ourselves and that makes me very happy!

clc: ...and what has Iyengar Yoga brought you personally?

pl: Significantly more flexibility and stability! It was good for my lumbar spine (lower back). Also more stability for my neck after various whiplash injuries. My headache days have eased a lot as a result.

Claudia Lamas Cornejo: Thank you, dear Patricia, for this interview! I look forward to our cooperation!

Medical Yoga wird angeleitet von Claudia Lamas


Every Thursday:

15:30 - 16:30 Medical Yoga

16:45 - 17:45 Men's Mobility

18:00 - 19:00 Medical Yoga

Introductory dates

12.9. / 19.9. / 26.9.

Fixed course series

With 10-card: Registered and subsidized by health insurance (*)

10.10. / 17.10. / 24.10. / 07.11. / 14.11. / 21.11. / 28.11. / 05.12. / 12.12. / 19.12.

(*) Please note:

Subsidies from health insurance are only possible if 10 hours are paid for and at least 8 hours are attended!

Please register:

Email: or +49-(0)89-62447700


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